Study on Dental X-rays

Categories: Blog

A recent study linked frequent dental x-rays to an increased risk of meningiomas, the most commonly diagnosed brain tumor.  A concern with the findings of this study is that it relies not on documentation as to the type and frequency of dental x-rays, but on patient memory.  As noted in the ADA statement, such studies relying on memory can be unreliable.  The ADA statement notes several best practices which can minimize radiation exposure, and which are utilized in our office, including the use of protective aprons and thyroid collars on all patients.  In addition, our office uses digital x-rays, which expose our patients to considerably less radiation that standard film x-rays.  We welcome any questions you might have about this study.

Contact Us

Mark T. Albers, D.D.S.
2155 Hollowbrook Drive
Suite 20
Colorado Springs, CO

(719) 634-8458

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(719) 634-8458

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Monday – Thursday:
8:00a.m. – 1:00p.m., 2:00p.m. – 5:00p.m.

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Monday – Wednesday
7:30a.m. – 12:30p.m., 1:30p.m. – 4:30p.m.

7:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.