Category Archives: Blog

New VOIP Phone System


In our last post, we wrote about our experience at the Rocky Mountain Dental Convention. We always learn new and interesting things. Michele attended a session and saw a demonstration of a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone system.  These systems can integrate with our practice management software (schedule, notes, x-rays, etc.).  After researching various VOIP systems, we settled on one that integrates with another software program we use to, for instance, send you text reminders of your upcoming appointments. The transfer of our phone number occurred last Friday.

What You Can Expect

Under this new system, when a patient calls, a popup appears with a patient’s name, last and upcoming appointments, etc. This happens before we even answer the phone. With this information, we will no longer have to go into our system to do a search under your name. This will be a time saver for all involved.

The new system also allows for a lot of automation of phone messages that Michele used to have to record fairly frequently. If, for instance, you experience a dental emergency during hours we are closed, you will no longer be given a number you need to call to talk to a doctor. Instead, patients will merely need to press 1 (as instructed in the message) to be transferred to the on-call doctor.

Because calls will come in over our internet instead of a phone line, there is always a possibility that we could have an interruption in our  internet service.  This would result in our inability to receive calls.   We’ve only had internet access issues a handful of times in the 15 yrs we’ve been at this location.  We do have cell phone apps that are supposed to allow us to receive calls on a temporary basis if need be.

Feedback Appreciated

As with any new system and new phones, we have a few wrinkles to iron out as we experiment with the best way to use them. If you have any feedback that might be helpful, we would appreciate hearing from you. Our office number is 719-634-8458. Thank you!

2020 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention

It’s January, which means it’s time for the 2020 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention (RMDC). This is an annual trip for the staff and me. Last year, I was a little jet-lagged as Carla and I had just returned from a dental mission trip in Fiji and Tarawa Atoll. This year, I was well rested until I caught that bad cold…. The good news is that everyone except Judy A (hygienist) was able to make the trip.

Why We Attend the RMDC

First and foremost, the conference allows us to attend lectures on issues relevant to how we practice dentistry. For example, I was able to attend a lecture on cracked teeth and another on composite fillings. The way we approach these classes is to know that while some information we already know, there’s almost always a nugget of information that makes it worth our time to attend. Staff members attended classes on dry mouth, nutrition, and other valuable topics. Michele spent time on classes that will help her more efficiently manage the front desk. All in all, another valuable conference.

The Dangers of Sugar

Several of us attended the class on nutrition. One key take-away is the growing body of evidence as to the negative health affects of sugar. As dental professionals, we have understood for a long time that sugar is not good for teeth. Our 2018 blog post Limit Sugar in your Diet highlights how sugar can impact dental health. What we are seeing more of, though, is research showing that sugar can have a negative affect on more than just dental health. Our lecturer suggested that the only sweetener he would recommend is Stevia, something Carla and I switched to last year.

New Equipment?

Another important aspect of the RMDC is the chance to see the latest in dental products and equipment. Vendors have information and products for us to see. It’s very possible that you will be seeing a new dental chair or two the next time you visit our office! And, over the next month, we will be switching to a VOIP phone system that integrates with our practice management software. We think this new system will allow us to be even more productive at the front desk.

Our Staff is the Best!

Carla and I have attended conferences in the past where we’ve seen and overheard employees “skipping” classes. I appreciate that our staff is genuinely interested in continuing dental education and they happily attend lectures, anxious to see what new information/technology/techniques can be brought back to the office. This dedication to excellence by everyone in our office directly impacts our ability to provide patients the best dental care possible.  The Rocky Mountain Dental Convention is an important event in our ability to continue to meet the needs of our patients.

Announcing Dr. Albers’ Dental Member Plan

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new in-house Dental Member Plan. After a number of patients expressed to us their dissatisfaction with their current dental insurance, we started researching how these plans can work. We think the end result is something both patients without insurance – and patients who are unhappy with their current insurance – can benefit from. Plan details are summarized on our website at our new Dental Member Plan page.

Not Dental Insurance

Our Dental Member Plan is not dental insurance. It is a member plan offered by Dr. Albers to his patients.  With insurance, you typically have deductibles, co-pays, and limits on the amount of benefits each year. Once you reach that limit, you pay full price for additional treatment. With our Dental Member Plan, you pay an annual fee and are entitled to our recommended annual preventative care (usually two visits per year) at no additional cost. Furthermore, our members receive discounts of between 10-15% on other dental treatment. There is no limit to the number of times patients can utilize these discounts on fees.

What are the benefits of our Dental Member Plan?

Patients who do not currently have dental insurance will benefit from reduced fees. And, it is our hope that this plan will further encourage dental wellness with patients motivated to schedule and use their preventative care benefits. (Unused preventative care benefits do not carry over from one enrollment period to the next.)  One reason we encourage regular visits is that early detection of dental issues can prevent more costly dental procedures down the road.

For patients who currently have dental insurance, we think the benefits will be even more noticeable. There will be no more waiting periods, pre-existing exclusions, or pre-authorization hassles. There will be no claims forms, no denials of coverage, no deductibles or co-pays, and no annual maximums. Dr. Albers will review recommended care with patients and patients will then be able to determine what is best for them. (No more third parties second guessing treatment!)  Unlike some dental insurance plans, we clearly identify benefits covered at 100%. Likewise, we explain discounts for other dental treatment in an easy to understand way.

Join Today

We appreciate our patients and hope this Dental Member Plan will encourage dental wellness and provide value for members.  Please feel free to review the details on our website, or, check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.  If you have any questions, you are always welcome to give us a call at 719-634-8458.

Dr. Albers at COMOM 2019

Each year, Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM) puts on an annual two day dental clinic. These clinics rotate among different cities in the state and usually take place in high schools or event centers. This year, it was time to visit the western slope. So, on October 3, Dr. Albers packed up his camper, closed the office, and set off for Glenwood Springs for the COMOM 2019 Dental Clinic.

COMOM Mission Statement

COMOM’s Mission Statement:  COMOM’s mission is to provide quality dental services, at no cost, to individuals of all ages who cannot afford and access dental care; eliminating dental pain, promoting oral health, creating smiles, and providing oral health education.

As noted above, dental care is provided for free on a “no questions asked” basis. Patients are screened and then receive treatment for their most pressing dental problems. Treatments provided include cleanings, fillings, root canals, and extractions. Importantly, patients also receive instruction in how to properly care for their teeth.

Dr. Albers and Staff at COMOM 2019

Dr. Albers picture in newsletterGiven the distance from Colorado Springs to Glenwood Springs and other conflicting events, we had a reduced presence this year compare to past years. Dr. Albers was joined by front desk person Michele, who served as his assistant, and hygienist Lee Ann, who helped in the oral cancer screening room. Carla and Indy also participated, although we’ll provide more information on that a little later.  Unfortunately, we forgot to get a group picture, but this one shows Dr. Albers featured in the local dental society newsletter.

To more efficiently treat patients, certain providers focus on one area. Some dentists do screenings all day. Others administer shots so that dentists doing the actual treatment don’t have to wait for patients to get numb. Dr. Albers typically works in the restorative section doing dental fillings. Other sections include pediatrics, oral surgery, and dental appliances, aka Flipperville! This segmentation of care provides the efficiency needed to see hundreds of patients each day.

This year, almost 1,500 adults and children received free dental care at COMOM 2019. Dr. Albers and his staff really enjoy this opportunity to help Coloradans in need.

Go Team Therapy Dogs at COMOM 2019

Indy surrounded by dental volunteersFor the third year in a row, Go Team Therapy, Airport and Crisis Dogs brought smiles to patients and staff alike. This year, Carla and Indy were the only team on Friday, when around 800 patients were seen. On Saturday, though, they were joined by Brinkley (handlers Debbie and Rich), as well as Pepper and Maya (handlers Lori and Steve). There are waiting lines both outside to get in, then once inside, to get into specific areas. Go Team dogs visit people in all these lines, which means a lot of walking for their handlers! While a lot of focus is given to patients, volunteers who watch the dogs interact with patients during the day also enjoy their time with the dogs.

Extra fun this year was an interaction Debbie had with a young man waiting for “teeth.”  Turns out he was a student of hers (she’s a retired teacher).  She remembers his bad bicycle crash.  Over the years, teeth damaged then and other issues caused her student to lose all his teeth.  After 5 years of going without, COMOM specialists were there to give him a new lease on life.  These clinics impact people in so many ways.

Go Team dogs and handlers

2019 Fall Staff Outing

Michele, Lee Ann, Jane and Susan in bubble wrapWhy did the staff show up at Garden of the Gods Visitor’s Center wrapped in bubble wrap? Because this year, our fall staff outing was a Segway tour of Garden of the Gods and they (the staff) love a good joke!

Fall Staff Outing

Yes, it’s that time of year again. We’ve had many fun outings over the years – sometimes outdoors such as the Royal Gorge or a drive for a casino visit in Cripple Creek, sometimes for lunch and shopping at the mall. But, this year’s outing may rank up at the top of the “most fun outing” list. It was actually two years delayed, as the first attempt found us at the visitor’s center with drizzly, foggy weather. This year, however, it was a spectacular sunny Colorado day.

Segway Training

Dr. Albers and staff doing Segway trainingFirst stop, Segway training. Guide Kevin gave a group briefing on what to expect. Next, he asked who everyone thought the most nervous participant was (Susan). So, Susan had first shot at getting on a Segway and learning to go forward, stop, and turn. Kevin left her to practice while he came back and started the next person. Once we were all on board, we practiced going up and down a hill. Then, back to the parking lot for a final form to sign saying we’d received the appropriate training.

Garden of the Gods Tour

Stop at an overlook in the parkStaff on Segways in the park









Our staff includes three native Coloradans, and we’ve all lived in Colorado Springs for years and visited Garden of the Gods many times. But, none of us had ever had a formal tour of the park. We learned a lot of interesting information about the sandstone rocks, how they were formed, why some of the sandstone is red, some is white, and some is regular gray “rock” color. We also learned about names of some of the rock formations and how those names came about. Some we were familiar with (Kissing Camels), some we weren’t (Weeping Indian). We learned about the generous gift of the park to the City of Colorado Springs by the children of Charles Elliot Perkins, with the caveat that it will always be free and open to the public.

After our tour, we enjoyed a great lunch at The Grill at Kissing Camels with Judy B, who unfortunately broke her wrist (before our outing!) and was unable to join us on the tour.  It was a great way to spend time with each other outside of the dental office.



Contact Us

Mark T. Albers, D.D.S.
2155 Hollowbrook Drive
Suite 20
Colorado Springs, CO

(719) 634-8458

Contact Us

Book an Appointment

General Hours: Labor Day through Memorial Day

Monday – Thursday:
8:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.

Summer Hours: Memorial Day through Labor Day

Monday – Wednesday
7:30a.m. – 4:30p.m.

7:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.