
Should you brush your teeth? As a practicing dentist of 30 years, the answer from me is a definite yes. But, that comes with some

Dental Hygienists Jane and Lee Ann model magnification glasses Magnification Glasses and Illumination Several weeks ago on our Facebook page, we posted this picture of

Dr. Albers holding the 2017 Colorado Springs Style Magazine which lists him as a top dentist Dr. Albers Named a Top Dentist in Colorado Springs

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month Longtime patients know that our dental professionals perform routine oral cancer screenings during cleaning appointments.  We do this because

Lisa Bon Voyage, Lisa The end of an era – Lisa is retiring.  We took over the practice in 1990 following the unexpected passing of

2016 ADA Convention, Denver, Colorado 2016 ADA Conference The American Dental Association held its annual meeting in Denver this year. Unfortunately, Carla and I were

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